Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
উদীচী কে নিষিদ্ধ ঘোষণা করা হউক: হযরত মুহাম্মদ (সা:)'র নামে ধৃষ্টতা
গত ৩রা নভেম্বর, ২০০৮ ঈসায়ী রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে বিজাতীয় ও ইসলাম বিদ্বেষী সাংস্কৃতিক সংগঠন “উদীচী” কর্তৃক প্রদর্শিত ‘মান্দার’ নামক নাটকে একটি ব্যঙ্গ চরিত্রের নাম রাখা হয় ‘মুহাম্মদ রাসূল’। নাটকের মধ্যে মুহাম্মদ রাসূলের চরিত্রকে ব্যঙ্গ করে ‘এই কুত্তার বাচ্চা মুহাম্মদ’ বলে গালি দিয়ে তার চরিত্রটিকে চামচা হিসেবে ব্যবহার করেছে (নাউযুবিল্লাহ)। যা দ্বারা মূলত: ইসলাম ধর্মের প্রাণপুরুষ আমাদের প্রিয় বিশ্ব নবী হযরত মুহাম্মদ (সা:)কে-ই বোঝানোর চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে।
বাংলাদেশ একটি ইসলামিক রাষ্ট্র যার রাষ্ট্র ধর্ম হলো ইসলাম; এদেশের শতকরা ৯৫ ভাগ মুসলমান সহ বিশ্বের প্রায় ২৫০ কোটি মুসলমানের ধর্মীয় অনুভূতিতে গভীর আঘাত ও অসম্মানী প্রদর্শনের এত বড় স্পর্ধা দেখিয়েছে একটি আগাছা সংগঠন; অথচ প্রশাসন দারুন নিরব ভূমিকা পালন করছে। আমরা এর প্রতিবাদ জানাই এবং জড়িতদের দৃষ্টান্তমূলক শাস্তিপ্রদান সহ “উদীচী” কে নিষিদ্ধ করা হোক।।
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
ইরাক সফরে জর্জ বুশের শেষ শ্রদ্ধা: জুতা চুম্বন
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New Blog site for you
Here's the link of new blog site to help you.
1) তিয়ানশি বাংলাদেশ কোং লিমিটেড
বিশ্বের সর্ববহৎ Direct Selling প্রতিষ্ঠান, যা ১৯০টি'রও বেশি দেশে ব্যবসা পরিচালনা করে আসছে। সুখ-সমৃদ্ধি-সম্পদ গড়ে দেয় তিয়ানশি।
2) Adult Sex: for safest life (couple only)
এই ব্লগ সাইটটি শুধুমাত্র প্রাপ্ত বয়স্ক (১৮+) বিবাহিত নারী-পুরুষদের জন্য। অনুগ্রহ করে এই ব্লগটির অপব্যবহার করবেন না। এই ব্লগে প্রকাশিত কনটেন্টস নিজ দায়িত্বে উপভোগ/ ব্যবহার করবেন; এর জন্য ব্লগার কোনভাবেই দায়ী থাকবেন না।
3) BANDHAN- Literature & Cultural Organization.
এই সাইটটি শিশু-কিশোর সাহিত্য-সাংস্কৃতিক ও ক্রীড়া সংগঠন, "বন্ধন" এর অফিসিয়াল সাইট। এখানে প্রয়োজনীয় অনেক Resource পাবেন যা ব্যক্তিগত, সামাজিক ও অর্থনৈতিক জীবনে উপকারে আসবে।
Monday, December 1, 2008
Blogger help
"Blogger Helps"
-Aasif Chowdhury
Total site with blog help, blogger support, blog templates, blog resources, how to start better earning from adsense, what is google adsense really is? and Learn about blog and lots of interesting stuffs,Watch out
:For the best"
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
now i am make a new blog site for you
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
New Bangla web site for learning MS word
Sutonny Mj
Another Post.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Five Ways to Drive Traffic to your Blog
In our offline lives we dread it, but online we embrace it. I want to give you 5 ways to start driving traffic to your blog today. With a little time and patience, you will slowly start to increase your viewer ship.
5.) Post comments on other blogs.Blogs are everywhere – there’s certainly not a shortage of them. You should have no problem finding other bloggers in your niche that are popular and interesting. Bookmark those that you like, follow their topics daily, and if you find something that sparks your interest – comment.Become a participating voice in the community. The more interesting your comments are, the more likely your peers will follow you to your blog. And who knows – you might stand out among the crowd and be recognized by the author, which can spin off into better opportunities.
4.) Register with blog networks like: Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLogIt’s important that you get your blog out there for others to see. You can start the process by submitting to search engines, but that’s just the beginning. Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog are just a few of the high profile blog networks on the web. Register with them, network with other people in your releated area, and get your word out.When you register with these services remember a couple of things:
1.) Create a detailed profile. Let people know a little bit about you and draw them in. Without that personal interaction people may flee quickly.
2.) Tag your blog properly. Tags are very important – they’re usually one or two word descriptions of your blog. So for example my blog would fall under categories like: Money, Business, and Finance. Dig around the specific service and look for popular tags and try to use those for your blog. It allows people who are interested in these topics to easily find your site.
.3.) Register with several forums.Do a Google search for forums that are related to your niche and register. Try to be an active voice in the community. People will flock to you if you’re interesting. Not only that but it allows you to find out what others are doing and what makes them appealing.When you register with a forum, make sure to fill out the profile, similar to the blogging services. And equally as important – make a signature that is a direct link to your blog. Your signature is shown in every post that you make – helping you gain visibility. This is all the more reason to create thought provoking discussions.
2.) Social Bookmarking and Article Submission.Social networking, bookmarking, and article submissions are all the rage today – don’t let it pass you by. Some of the major networks include delicious, Furl, and of course, Digg. These sites will allow you to tag, bookmark, and submit articles that you think are interesting. What’s more interesting than your own work? People should know about it so go spread the word.1.) StumbleUponStumbleUpon really falls into tip #2, but I decided to break it away from the pack because it provides quicker results. Like the rest of the social networking sites, you create a profile and network with others. But what makes StumbleUpon so darn unique, is that you can “stumble” thousands of sites that you’re interested in by the click of a button. So what does that mean for you? Well, you can stumble your own site. By doing this you get into the Stumble rotation, and any people that you network with can stumble across it as well.In my experience StumbleUpon can bring great surges of traffic for short periods of time. Due to the nature of the service, you’re likely to get overlooked more than not; however, those that do stop – tend to stay. And if they like the site, they can rate it and review it for all the friends in their network to see. Are you getting the picture here? Your viewer ship has the potential to explode!As with most things in life, there’s no silver bullet for getting traffic. It takes a lot of research, careful planning, networking, patience, and time. If you have what it takes and start using my recommendations, you will definitely start to see an increase. Hopefully that increase in traffic will help you blog for money.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Big Bang And The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator complex, intended to collide opposing beams of protons (one of several types of hadrons) with very high kinetic energy. Its main purpose is to explore the validity and limitations of the Standard Model, the current theoretical picture for particle physics. It is theorized that the collider will confirm the existence of the Higgs boson. This would supply a crucial missing link in the Standard Model and explain how other elementary particles acquire properties such as mass.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. http://bigbang-world.blogspot.com/
Friday, September 12, 2008
On September 10 at 9am CEST, the first test of the most controversial experiment of the century was held in Geneva, Switzerland. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is, simply, the largest particle accelerator ever built, a massive scientific achievement dedicated to unveiling obscurities in our modern conception of the universe. http://flashbd.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The spirit of RAMADAN
Happy Ramadan ,
what should happen during Ramadan, a month-long exercise for Muslims to avoid misconduct.
During fasting month, I hope that we, Muslims, carry out introspection so that after Ramadan we will be able to stay away from any negative things and we can start our lives like a newly born baby -- free from sin.
Depok, West Java
We, Indonesians, have learned many things in the last ten years in trying to strengthen our national character and fix our mistakes committed in the past.
This Ramadan, we, especially muslims as the majority, have to contemplate our behavior of previous years.
Have we understood thoroughly and implemented our Islamic teachings correctly, as written in the holy Koran and prophet Muhammad's guide?
These contain the spirit for helping and loving others without discrimination, hatred or dishonesty.
I hope during the fasting month, Muslims can really change their bad ways to good, particularly in their behavior and attitudes.
In this holy month of Ramadan, Muslims, whoever they are and whatever they're doing, will be restructuring their entire life to become a better person.
It isn't just not eating and drinking, but also avoiding all causes that will break the fast such as bribery, smuggling, intimidation and other vices that ruin a person's life.
This should continue even after the month of Ramadan ends. This way we don't have to learn the hard way how to be a better person; we just do as our religion tells us and the results will be overwhelmingly good for this country.
One main point of Ramadan is "honesty". By fasting a Muslim is urged to be honest to him/herself. A good Muslim will not break his/her fast although no one is watching him/her.
He/she realizes that fasting is really a form of personal worship to God and only God is able to judge whether the fasting is good or not. He/she realizes that God always keeps an eye on him/her.
After Ramadan we can expect that Muslims in this country will be reminded to be honest in all aspects of life. If the people and the leaders are to be honest with him/her self and believe God always keeps an eye on him/her, then hopefully the misconducts in this country will be lessened.
What's the point in restraining yourself when you will be acting wrong the rest of the year?
Ramadan is a time to serve and respect others instead of being served and respected by others. Happy fasting for Muslims.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Visit to me plz.
My mail:raselmallick@gmail.com.
My site:www.collection2day.blogspot.com
Friday, August 29, 2008
8. Inhibits the formation of fatty acids, which helps in preventing the coronary artery disease (CAD) and reduce blood triglycerides.Cassia Obtusifolia:
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Chittagong Real-Estate Directory
Name : Chittagong Real-Estate Directory
Url : http://www.ctgrealestate.com
www.ctgrealestate.com is the first web portal of Chittagong, It is an initiative for a full circle e-commerce website base on the total Real-Estate information of Chittagong. Anyone can find all kind of real-estate information like land, apartment, commercial space, shop, Loan. ect.. Whose primary role is to promote the real-estate business in Chittagong
www.ctgrealestate.com is aimed to create an open market place for the real-estate activities for home as well as abroad. A market place that is open 24 hours a day, 7 day a week and works across the world with out any geographical boundaries, anyone can get the maximum information with the minimum effort.
Contact :
Alauddin Forhad
Mobile : +88-01711588906
E-mail : info@ctgrealestate.com
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Low cost Internet phone revolution beckons for India
Friday, August 22, 2008
Silicon's likely successor and much more
This microscopic structure, known as a carbon nanotube, could be the secret to extending Moore's Law—which predicts that the number of transistors on the fastest CPUs will double every 18 months—beyond the limits of today's silicon microprocessors (quite a feat in itself). "This is our best hope for the next generation of electronics," says Jie Liu, a Duke University chemist at the forefront of carbon nanotube research. It is also the basic building block for all sorts of future products, from flat-panel displays and long-lasting batteries to fishing poles and satellite cables (pound for pound, nanotubes are 10 to 100 times as strong as steel).