In 1959 Richard Feynman(Physicist of USA & Nobel prize winner in physics-manufacturing revolution) gives the idea that individual atom and molecule might be developed by using nanotechnology. It has serious economic, social, environmental and military implictions.
In 1974 Prof.Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University introduce basic concept of nanotechnology, e.g. separation, consolidation and deformation of materials can be done by one atom or one molecule.
In 1980 Dr. K. Eric Drexler popularized the world about nanotechnology and give the basic development of this definition & the coming era of nanotech. in his book engines of creation (in 1986).
Latter on Mihail Raco U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative has described four generation nanotechnology development as follows:-
First generation products(2000-2005) : a) Dispersed and contact nanostructures- aerosols, colloids etc.
b) Products incorporation nanostructures- coating, nanoparticles, polymers, ceramics etc.
Second generation products(2005-2010):a) Bio-active, health effects- targeted drugs, bio- devices etc.
b)Physio- chemical active- 3D transistors, amplifiers actuators etc.
Third generation products(2010-2015):System of nanosystems- guided assembling, 3D networking, and new robotics evolutionery etc.
Fourth generation products: Molecular devices by design- atomic design, emerging functions etc.