If you are passionate about your subject or activity hard work and dedication become a pleasure not a curse. I believe this to be true, look at any successful person in any field the passion they feel shines through. What this gives you is the mindset to take any setback in your stride and treat it as part and parcel of life not the end of any thing.
Read some of the articles on Triond the passion some writers have just screams out at you. They may not be the best writers in the world but there writing becomes readable and enjoyable because of this passion. They have something to say on there subject and even the history of a milk float can be interesting if the person who is writing is passionate about milk floats.
Passion creates enthusiasm and it is catching, it creates an environment where anything is possible. Look at Hull City football club just a few years ago they where languishing near the bottom of the football leagues. Look at them now not only in the premier division but are competing at the highest level. Without passion none of the hard work and dedication the players and fans alike have put in could they possibly have achieved the success they now enjoy.
In your relationship with your partner passion is very important, without passion it can become dreary everyday. With passion it is alive and vital and will sustain through hard times. It gives that extra special feeling that the person you are with feels the same and you pull together and take whatever life throws at you in the knowledge you are not alone.
So in conclusion passion is one of the most important aspects of our lives it can bring us the greatest joy and satisfaction. So if you do nothing else get passionate about something.
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