Friday, January 9, 2009

Five Great Blogging Tips

Hallow bloggers...!!! how is going your blogging!?

Blogging is both fun and hard work. It requires diligence, perseverance, patience, steadfastness, and also inspiration. There are some days where you will have more ideas than you can handle, and you will have other days where you can’t fathom a single original idea. Such is the life of the blogger. So, don’t get discouraged if you experience a dry spell as the saying goes. It eventually gets everyone. However, to stay strong in your blogging, here are five tips you can apply to stay on top of things and make sure you don’t drift into a slump that adversely affects your writing. Here they are:
One. Become the reader. There is nothing more gratifying, as a reader, than to know that the blogger has really considered your point of view. He or she has taken on the task of raising the right questions that you have in your mind, and thus increases the readability of the post.
Two. Leave comments on other blogs. Don’t just stop by a blog and say “great post”. No, no, no. Please, read the post or article, reflect on it for a moment, and then leave a thoughtful comment so that you get the attention of the blogger. He or she might even email you back with a rebuttal and perhaps you might even exchange links between your sites.
Three. Take up offers to post on other blogs. Yes, it is work to write fresh content for another blog, but it is well worth it. You will gain new visibility in a new realm of the web, and will surely get a few track backs, let alone inquiries into your website. Here, you really need to be ambitious.
Four. Have a contest. I haven’t yet done this with Great Documents, but I hope to soon. Perhaps I will give away an electronic device of some kind for the winner. Be creative and offer something that will help your site gain new traffic, without the task being overburdening for the visitor. Make it fun, light, enjoyable, and something worth remembering.
Five. Join a good social network on the web. There are many of them out there - my very favorite is Stumble Upon, and it is a great social networking system to share your blog and interest with others. It is a place where you can build new contacts for work, or just hang out and make a friend or two

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